JDBC Driver, Bridge and Connection ~ Warezteam Download crack serial keygen software

20 Mayıs 2008 Salı

JDBC Driver, Bridge and Connection

The process of working on JDBC applications begins with JDBC-ODBC Bridge which is specially designed to get connection to all kinds of databases. But when you reach more advanced level JDBC-ODBC Bridge can face some problems. In this case, you will definitely have to install JDBC driver.
When you choose this particular kind of driver you should keep in mind several points.1 Is your application Web or Intranet based2 Do you require the support of different databases3 How many concurrent users will be and so on.The JDBC-ODBC Bridge is only advisable on a transitional level. If you are eager to use large-scale applications it would be better to install the type 2, type 3, or type 4 drivers. If you decided to work with Intranet applications it is advisable to install type 2 drivers. But if you choose between type 3, 4 drivers and type 2 drivers but you should keep in mind that type 3, 4 drivers have better productivity than type 2 drivers and that is why they are advisable.But when we talk about Internet-related applications, type 3 or type 4 drivers should be installed. Type 3 drivers are preferable for environments which task is to provide connection to a different types of DBMS servers and all kinds of databases and that demand high levels of concurrently connected users where performance and scalability are major factors. Type 4 drivers are use to work at the workgroup level.

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