Anti Vir Personal Edition Classic ~ Warezteam Download crack serial keygen software

20 Mayıs 2008 Salı

Anti Vir Personal Edition Classic

AntiVir PersonalProducts GmbH and its sister company H+BEDV Datentechnik GmbH merge together under the new company name Avira GmbH. With this new identity we create a central contact point for our worldwide private and business customers. The product range will keep the name of AntiVir as an international brand - the only thing that changes is our company name and the pictures in the AntiVir versions.AntiVir PersonalEdition offers effective protection against computer viruses for the individual and private use on a single PC-workstation. It detects and removes viruses and includes an Internet-Update Wizard for easy updating. The built in resident Virus Guard serves to monitor file movements automatically, for example when downloading files from the internet. Heuristic scanning protects Protection against previously unknown macro viruses.Even though viruses have now grown very numerous, one thing hasn't changed: our commitment to provide you with all-round protection. The reliability of AntiVir is demonstrated in numerous comparison test and references featured in independent trade journals.You'll be amazed how thoroughly AntiVir protects:- detects and removes more than 150,000 viruses- always among the winners of comparison test featured in computer journals- the resident Virus Guard serves to monitor file movements automatically, e.g. downloading of data from the internet- scanning and repair of macro viruses- protection against previously unknown macro viruses- safeguard against cost generating dial-up program- protection against trojaner, worms, backdoors, jokes and other harmful programs- easy operation- Internet-Update Wizard for easy updating- Protection against previously unknown boot record viruses and master boot record viruses- Quality "Made in Germany"- support is free of charge via AntiVir Bulletin BoardChanges in version 7.0:- A complete redesign of the product- A complete new user interface- A new, even easier user guidance- A central control centre- A central configuration- A new quarantine management- An optimized scanner- Unicode ability

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